Feb 15, 2009

Nanda's song of the day

people are weird and people act strange...get yourself together and SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE

Today's song is The Rapture's Out of the Races and Onto the Tracks. It never fails to get me moving, and I love working out to the Rapture, but it is also slightly dangerous because not only I want to start singing along, but I always want to jump off the elliptical and start dancing in the middle of the gym.

One of the greatest things about The Rapture is that they have this raw anger that they channel through irresistible beats. So I think that they provide the perfect release for really anything....having a bad day? just dance/ scream it off.

The Rapture - Out of the Races and Onto the Tracks.

1 comment:

  1. Oooooo, I really enjoyed this beat, and I'm getting a feeling the whole everything-is-closed part is something more philosophical than first imagined.
